First steps in escort work, where to start
Or the desk guidebook of an aspiring escort girl.
Want to take a beautiful plunge into the world of big money, luxury and wealthy companions?Then take the first right step - choose a professional service intermediary. The terms of your first contract will determine your debut in the profession.
Five golden rules that novice escort models need to know:
1. Value yourself. Before hiring, study all the offers of escort agencies by the level of income offered in the region where you plan to work.It is important to come to the interview prepared. If you do not have the information, you risk getting an offer for less than you can earn.
2. Choose the best. Do not agree to a contract at the first agency, listen to their offer and go to another. Make your choice in favor of the most profitable offer.
3. Security. Choose employers not only by money. Safety is an important point of the contract. Check this item, ask more questions. Feel free to look meticulous, employers will appreciate this approach to work.
4. Credit. If you plan to work in another city, clarify about the loan for rental housing or as an investment in your development and appearance.
5. Self-development. Having started work in escort and received the first fee, do not relax. Take the example of successful colleagues, they are constantly improving their appearance and inner world.